Tamara - Vegan Mississippi Chicken Sandwich, Kettle Corn, Chocolates, Iced Tea, Green Tea, and Fruit Salad
FYI-The vegan mississippi chicken sandwich is on a toasted roll with yummy fake chicken and vegan cream cheese and roasted red peppers with garlic and avocado spread. it is amazing.
Your little chocolates remind me of the "Soup Man" restaurants here where you get a little piece of chocolate with every meal. You have too many options for food in NY, it really isn't fair. I'm going to see if your work can relocate you to the middle of no where midwest.
Ok you mail me one of those and I will mail you a banana bread.
Your little chocolates remind me of the "Soup Man" restaurants here where you get a little piece of chocolate with every meal. You have too many options for food in NY, it really isn't fair. I'm going to see if your work can relocate you to the middle of no where midwest.
ACK! no way no day lady!
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